Classes & Pricing



Inspired by the Speakers Corner in Sydney where individuals discuss matters, the X marks the spot box will be available for any member of Hero Youth Theatre to get up and tell a story, a joke, share a memory, ideas, concerns and thoughts. There is no right or wrong and will be used as a method to slowly develop confidence for speaking and performing in the public arena.


Improvisation in the performing arts is a very spontaneous performance without specific or scripted preparation. The skills of improvisation can apply to many different faculties, across all artistic, scientific, physical, cognitive, academic, and non-academic disciplines.

Drama games and acting exercises will help participants to train their voice for performance and public speaking, especially for those who perform improv. Warmups are an essential part of any drama workshop and actors’ pre-performance routines. Games, breathwork, articulation exercises and stretching will be enjoyed at the beginning of each Hero Youth theatre class.

At the end of each workshopped class we will spend no more than five minutes either working on breathwork and or tapping. It will be lovely way to end a rewarding creative hour.


Breathwork will be introduced to the members at the end of each workshop as a sense of well-being. The practise will help calm the mind, develop a sense of wellness and by using breathing exercises will assist in self-regulation, controlling one’s emotions and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals. Breathwork will be introduced to the members at the end of each workshop as a sense of well-being. The practise will help calm the mind, develop a sense of wellness and by using breathing exercises will assist in self-regulation, controlling one’s emotions and thoughts.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is used to ease emotional distress and clear negative emotions, beliefs and memories.  EFT works by tapping a series of acupressure points on the face and upper body with two fingers whilst voicing our thoughts and concerns.  We shall use this as an extension of breath work to be able to voice our positive and negative thoughts about the class just had.


  • The workshop classes will run on a term to term bases of 10 weeks.

  • The cost will be $22.00 per hour per student. They classes will be held at Balmain Rowing Club.

  • There will be a maximum of up to 10 students per class per hour and each term will be granted one make up class for sickness.

  • During the workshops we shall be working on devising a performance piece every six months.

  • Covid practices will be expected.

  • During classes there will need to be a parent present in each class. Older aged workshops coming soon.