Mr. Tony
Mr. Tony is formally trained with a Bachelors degree in Performing Arts and has over 14 years experience teaching the creative arts to kids, from infancy through to high schools.
For many years he participated in Theatre in Education programs in schools across Australia for each state’s annual ‘Book Week’. He continued to work with teenagers in drama classes and confidence-building workshops on his move to London in 2000.
Mr. Tony arrived in Hong Kong in 2010 and began working for the well- established Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten. Teaching infants from six months to two years, he gained a strong interest in the development of infants and assisting in their early stages of learning. He also specialises in phonics and speech training.
With a voice for song and a passion for good story-telling, Mr. Tony has quickly established himself as a much in-demand educator across Sydney.