8 weeks  - 1  Year Welcome

A sensory - rich, caring and gentle class setting where infants can explore new sounds, sensations, objects and movements.

  • Whilst attending a Mr. Tony’s Creative Kids Class, children will develop a wealth of skills that are essential for school readiness.

  • Each child and care giver will be part of a circle time environment where ritual songs are sung, stories are told and instruments are explored and played. Plus we always shake our sillies.

  • Each month we work exclusively on a theme which may be ‘Old MacDonald’ for example. During the themed month we will listen to various sounds associated with the theme and match them with visuals and also introduce Baby Sign Language to enhance the learning experience.

The classes work one a 10 Week Term basis following the New South Wales school calendar.

Class Fees

  • $22.00 per infant per class.

  • $18.00 per infant for exclusive mothers groups of 10 or more.

  • $30.00 for drop in. (book Online)

  • Enquire about a free trial class.


Mon 11am

Thursday 11am